25 luglio 2024
Piacenza, July 5, 2024 – Greta Gatti, CEO of SteelSpa and TtpSrl (Piacentini Thermal Treatments), has been elected president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Piacenza. Her election took place during the assembly at Castello di Agazzano, succeeding Lorenzo Marchi of FornaroliPolymers.
Born in 1993, Greta joined the family businesses right after graduating, later studying International Management at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza. She is the first woman to lead the young group of Confindustria Piacenza, a significant role in a traditionally male sector.
"I'm proud to be the first woman president of Confindustria Piacenza. In Italy, there is still a lot of social discrimination based on gender and age, especially in leadership roles. I hope for an intellectual and economic evolution in my country," said Greta Gatti.
Press release.
22 aprile 2024